Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Download, a productivity tool from Microsoft, has transformed office activity with its release. With its sleek layout and enhanced features, it covers key applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook, providing companies with a complete toolbox for seamless document creation, data analysis, presentation design and communication.
Provides a Vietnamese user interface for Microsoft Office Excel 2007
- Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
- Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
- Microsoft OfficeWord 2007
- Requirements before installation
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows Vista; Windows XP Service Pack 2
English US version of any Microsoft Office 2007 suite that includes Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, or Word (Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise image)
Microsoft Office 2007 Language Setting Tool:
Usually this tool is installed only when installed in Full mode.
- You can check Start menu > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Tools > Microsoft Office 2007 Language Setting Tool.
- If you don’t have one, you need to add it by: inserting the Microsoft Office 2007 installation disc or running the Microsoft Office 2007 setup.exe installation file if it is saved on the hard drive.
- The setup box opens, select: Add or Remove Features > Continue
- To install the application, click Office Tools, Language Settings Tools, and select Run from My Computer > Continue.
Instructions for use:
To change your User Interface to Microsoft Office Language Interface Pack 2007 – Vietnamese, follow these steps:
1. Launch the Microsoft Office 2007 Language Settings menu from the Start menu, All Programs, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Tools.
2. Select the Show language tab, and in the Show Microsoft Office dialogs and options: drop-down list, select the language you want to show. The language you selected will now be the default view.
3. In the Display Language tab, you have the option to match Office’s display to Windows’ display. The current Windows language will be listed for you to see. If you want the Office display to match the Windows display, select Set Microsoft Office display language to match Windows display language. This setting overrides the decision you made in the Screen boxes list Microsoft Office window and menus.
4. On the Editing Languages tab, select the language you need to allow from the Available Editing Languages list and click Add. The language you selected will now be specified in the Allowed Editing Languages list.
5. On the Editing Languages tab, from the Primary Editing Languages list, select the language you want as the Primary Editing Language.
6. Click the OK button.
The language selections you just selected will take effect the next time you run the Office tool.